Sunday, November 20, 2011

A little organizing, a lot of thinking

It’s been a week since my official signal to get going on the dissertation writing, and I have made small progress.

Small progress is OK. Got that?

I have a feeling this journey will have its fits and starts. Periods of marathon writing and editing, coupled with dry spells of thinking and figuring.

For me, that has always been the way writing has worked. Time away from the computer is not exactly time away from “writing.” It is time for the words to do their musical chairs impression, floating around while the music plays and scrambling for a seat when it abruptly stops.

I need the word juggling to take place. It’s the only way I can get to the right ones.

So for now, just an update so you know I am serious. I’ve done a bit more reading -- a stack of borrowed books on loan from various libraries is taking up major space on my dining room table, reminding me that the literature review does not end just because I am beginning to write.

I’ve started mapping out the Table of Contents in an order that will be helpful in getting me to take up the chapters in a logical fashion.

Maybe I needed this first week of “stretching” so that I can be ready for the marathon ahead. I do realize it is a marathon. Which means I have to pace myself and stick with it.

Just don’t remind me how much I hate running.

Better to remind me how good I will feel when I cross the finish line.

Copyright 2011 By Marianne V. Heffernan

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