Monday, September 19, 2011

Get back on that horse

Get back on that horse.

If my sister were here, maybe that is what she would say to me. Maybe she would say, don’t give up, Mare.

Who knows what she would say. All I know is, the mounting pressures of life have derailed my focus on the dissertation journey I started whenever it was that I officially “started.”

I need a push. But I don’t want to ask. Maybe I want more of a “pull,” someone to take hold of me and get me back on the path with a feeling that someone is there to take the journey with me.

It is easy to say, “Relax, just take your time” but when the clock is ticking on the tuition support and you are already living on a shoestring, the challenge becomes how to energize oneself to get back to the fundamentals in every category of life: work, family, taking care of a house and yard, feeding the spiritual side, and a little thing called “rest.”

All while trying to concentrate on a never-been-done-before intellectual pursuit.

I have said it before so I know some of you are tired of the whining. So am I. I just want to be done.

How many graduate students have uttered that lament about their thesis? Speak to me! I want to know I am in good company.

Heck with it. I know what I have to do. While I feel like I am up to my neck in quick sand, I still have not completely thrown in the towel. But it is SO hard to get back on track.

So today I am doing it, again.

Step 1: Return to the literature that I have collected, read and re-read. Step 2: Take a fresh look at that proposal and really chop away at it to get to the real nuts and bolts of what I am after. Step 3: Get the next piece to the Committee and get them to agree to a regular dialogue with me so I can make real progress.

Three steps. It sounds like too many right now. If I can take the first one, I bet I can get to Step 2 in no time. I want to get back on that horse. Just need that “leg up.”

Copyright 2011 By Marianne V. Heffernan

Question for my readers: How do you get yourself fired up to tackle a challenge? What helps?


  1. Hey there... baby steps, one foot in front of the other works for some but it never worked for me without a way to see the big picture. May sound silly but doing a mind map and then putting it up on the wall was one of my strategies. Happy to work with you on that. Call me.
    Love, Rox

  2. Learn as much as you can about what is to be expected. Look at the whole project first. Then, Categorize if you can, put the simple tasks of a project first and get them out of the way!! Then the project looks suddenly smaller! I would include also enlisting help if you can, from someone who may have experience in the matter as well. Best of luck!

  3. @Rox - sent you an email. LMK when you have time to chat..
    @Mark, thank you for the encouragement. I am working on it! :)

  4. Hey Marianne,

    Have you talked to any funeral home directors? Someone whose been in the business for awhile might have a perspective about how the mourning process has changed (or not) with the introduction of electronic memorials.

    Hang in there! 8) Lori

  5. One more there any correlation between electronic memorials and a reduced need for actual physical memorials? (gravestones, scattering ashes vs. traditional burial). Also, I'm wondering about the economics of death and memorial.... A gravestone is expensive, but a facebook page is free...

    You'll get there. 8) Lori
